“Personal information” is indicated by Personal Information Protection Law.
The term “personal information” as used in this act shall mean information about a living individual which can identify the specific individual by name, date of birth, address, telephone number, or other description contained in such information.
Purpose that our company collect and utilize personal information are as follows.
・To provide our services such as products and repairs.
・To respond to the question from user.
・To contact according to the need with customer, like an important notice.
・Purpose accompanied to the above.
Googleアナリティクスについて About Google Analytics
当サイトでは、アクセス解析を行うためにGoogle アナリティクスを使用しています。Google アナリティクスはアクセス解析のためにCookieを使用します。
Google アナリティクスでデータが収集、処理される仕組みについては、Googleポリシーと規約のWebサイトを参照してください。
This site uses Google Analytics to analyze access. Google Analytics uses cookies for access analysis. For information on how data is collected and processed by Google Analytics, please refer to the Google Policy & Terms website.
個人情報の第三者提供 Providing of personal information to the third party
Our company don’t provide personal information to the third party without getting the user’s consent.
However, the case admitted by a personal information protection law and other decrees is excluded.
個人情報の開示、訂正および削除 Disclosing, revision and deletion of personal information
It’s possible to change the contents of this privacy policy without notifying to user, except for a matter with the decision which is particularly in a decree and other things about this policy.
Privacy policy that changed becomes effective from the time carried in this website except for a matter that we decide in particular.
TAKEGAMI Corp. (our company)provides the privacy policy (this policy) for any personal information on this website service (our service).